Do you know Rockabilly? Rockabilly is one of a music type. It was born in the 1950’s. Rockabilly was popular before the Beatles made their debut. Rockabilly was born from black music and country music. I think it can be called the origin of Rock’n’Roll. In 1979, a man brought rockabilly back to popularity.
He is Brian Setzer. He is guitarist, vocalist and composer. His guitar play is inspired from 1950’s rockabilly style. He debuted as a frontman of Stray Cats.
Stray Cats were 3 piece rockabilly band. They played rockabilly song in 1980’s with interesting instruments. Brian Setzer play semi acoustic guitar. Bass guitar wasn't electric bass. The bassist played a contrabass, And the drummer played “standing drum” with a drum set that had less drums than other drummers.
In 1994, Brian Setzer formed his big band. They are The Brian Setzer Orchestra. They play swing jazz and arrange songs of Stray Cats for big band style. I went their to live show last February at Tokyo Dome City Hall. Their performance was amazing. They changed their performance style in one show. For example, they played with full members, played instrumental music, 3 piece style, and sang with only guitar.
I think Brian Setzer is one of great guitarist of all over the world. I respect his flexible style.
(Brian Setzer Orchestra×Ichiro×PEPSI)