If a demon plays music on stage, what would you think? Maybe I won’t look for demons because demons are so scary. But, I know a band that has demons singing. This band is called KISS. I think you have seen their faces. They look so scary and wild.
KISS are 4 piece hard rock band which formed in 1973. They are from New York City, but Gene Simmons listenning to (Bass,Vocal) is from Israel. His English is very nice. (Gene Simmons learned English from records of The Beatles. I heard this story on an interview.)
They has many attractive points. First, their stage performance adjective . They are famous for their fire performance. It was impact for today's stage director.
Second, the performance of Gene Simmons is impressive. Gene Simmons spits blood and fire sometimes. This blood is fake blood but fire is real fire. I think this performance is very dangerous and matches his image.

Finally, their looks. KISS is rock band. but they act as 4 characters. DEMON, STAR CHILD, SPACE MAN, CAT MAN. They wear costumes and make up for their characters. I think it made a revolution for today's rock scene.
KISS looks very scary. but, they are professional performers. If you want be a performer, you may learn performers attitude from KISS.